主な研究業績 |
- Dynamic Pattern Recognition Model Based on Neural Network Response to Signal Fluctuation, H. Doho, S. Nobukawa, and H. Nishimura, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), Vol.27, No.1, pp.43-54 (2023)
- Influence of Additive and Contaminant Noise on Control-Feedback Induced Chaotic Resonance in Excitatory-Inhibitory Neural Systems, S. Nobukawa, N. Wagatsuma, H. Nishimura, K. Inagaki, T. Yamanishi, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E106-A, No.1, pp.11-22 (2023)
- 中小企業プロジェクトにおけるリスク対応のためのリスク要因の分析と評価, 保田 洋, 川向 肇, 西村治彦, 情報知識学会誌,Vol.32,No.1,pp.39-52 (2022)
- Memory Storage Systems Utilizing Chaotic Attractor-Merging Bifurcation, S. Nobukawa, N. Wagatsuma, H. Nishimura, K. Inagaki, T. Yamanishi, IEEE Access, Vol.10, pp.15699-15706 (2022)
- Temporal-scale Dependent Dynamical Characteristics of EEG Reflecting Circadian Rhythms, Y. Iinuma, S. Nobukawa, S. Takagi, and H. Nishimura, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol.13, Issue 2, pp.421-426 (2022)
- Silhouette Classification of Designer's Collections in Luxury Fashion Brands, T. Tsuru, M. Sugahara, and H. Nishimura, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.20, No.1, pp.33-40 (2021)
- 生活習慣質問票データによる特定健診でのメタボリック症候群の特徴分析, 橋本紀彦,宮内義明,西村治彦, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.20, No.1, pp.9-17 (2021)
- がん相談支援センターの相談記録データへのテキストマイニングを用いたパターンと傾向の分析, 三苫美和,東ますみ,石垣恭子,福島美幸,谷水正人,西村治彦, 医療と社会,第30巻,4号,pp.459-478 (2021)
- Health State Transition Model by Binary Expression and Cubic Lattice Representation Corresponding to the Specific Health Checkup, Y. Miyauchi, N. Hashimoto, and H. Nishimura, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.20, No.2, pp.49-55 (2021)
- がん相談支援センターにおける相談内容の経年推移と傾向の分析, 三苫美和,東ますみ,石垣恭子,福島美幸,谷水正人,西村治彦, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.20, No.2, pp.141-151 (2021)
- 地域連携での情報共有に向けた診療情報提供書の記載状況把握と内容構成の構造化, 石﨑 潤, 吉岡正昭, 西村治彦, 日本医療・病院管理学会誌,Vol.58,No.3,pp.60-70 (2021)
- Long-Tailed Characteristic of Spiking Pattern Alternation Induced by Log-Normal Excitatory Synaptic Distribution, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, N. Wagatsuma, S. Ando, and T. Yamanishi, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol.32, Issue 8, pp. 3525-3537 (2021)
- 診療情報提供書記載の様式準拠性に関する現状分析 ~記載手段・文字数・紹介元医療機関規模に着目して~, 石﨑 潤, 吉岡正昭, 西村治彦, 情報知識学会誌,Vol.31,No.3, pp.395-410(2021)
- An Approach for Stabilizing Abnormal Neural Activity in ADHD Using Chaotic Resonance, S. Nobukawa, N. Wagatsuma, H. Nishimura, H. Doho, and T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol.15, Article number: 726641 (13 pages) (2021)
- Recent Trends of Controlling Chaotic Resonance and Future Perspectives, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, N. Wagatsuma, K. Inagaki, T. Yamanishi and T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.7, Article number: 760568 (6 pages) (2021)
- 高齢慢性心不全患者への遠隔看護介入での看護師と患者のやり取りの変容とセルフモニタリングの向上, 石橋信江, 東ますみ, 後藤小夜子, 西村治彦, 高齢者のケアと行動科学, Vol.26, pp.73-89 (2021)
- がん相談支援センターでの相談実績とその状況の検討, 三苫美和,東ますみ,石垣恭子,福島美幸,谷水正人,西村治彦, 電話相談学研究,第28巻,pp.1-11 (2021)
- Chaos-Chaos Intermittency Synchronization Controlled by External Feedback Signals in Chua's Circuits, S. Nobukawa, H. Doho, N. Shibata, H. Nishimura, and T. Yamanishi, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E103-A, No.1, pp.303-312 (2020)
- 深層ニューラルネットによるファッション画像のシルエット識別の実現に向けた試み, 鶴 鉄雄, 菅原正博, 西村治彦, 日本感性工学会論文誌, Vol.19, No.1, pp.117-126 (2020)
- Evaluation of a Telehealth Website System for Patients with Total Hip Arthroplasty, A. Hashiva, M. Azuma, A. Kajimura, and H. Nishimura, Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, Vol.24, No.1, The HIMSS Foundation and the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Community (2020)
- Classification Methods Based on Complexity and Synchronization of Electroence- phalography Signals in Alzheimer's Disease, S. Nobukawa, T. Yamanishi, S. Kasakawa, H. Nishimura, M. Kikuchi and T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol.11, Article 255 (12 pages) (2020)
- Evaluation of Stress Situation of Female Nurses Working in Wards Based on the Survey Data, H. Furuya, K. Ishigaki, and H. Nishimura, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.19, Issue 3, pp.155-165 (2020)
- 血液透析患者の循環血液量変化に対するカーブフィッティングによる検討, 田中智之,川久保芳文,山本英則,重松武史,西村治彦, 医工学治療,Vol.32,No.2,pp.86-93,日本医工学治療学会誌 (2020)
- Transition of Neural Activity from the Chaotic Bipolar-Disorder State to the Periodic Healthy State Using External Feedback Signals, H. Doho, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, N. Wagatsuma and T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol.14, Article number:76 (15 pages) (2020)
- 中小企業プロジェクトの円滑なマネジメントに向けた失敗要因の分析, 保田 洋,川向 肇,西村治彦, 情報知識学会誌,Vol.30,No.3, pp.299-311(2020)
- Chaos-Chaos Intermittency Synchronization Induced by Feedback Signals and Stochastic Noise in Coupled Chaotic Systems, S. Nobukawa, N. Wagatsuma, and H. Nishimura, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E103-A, No.9, pp.1086-1094 (2020)
- Stabilizing Circadian Rhythms in Bipolar Disorder by Chaos Control Methods, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, H. Doho, T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, section Systems Biology, Vol.6, Article number: 562929 (11 pages) (2020)
- High Phase Synchronization in Alpha Band Activity in Older Subjects with High Creativity, S. Nobukawa, T. Yamanishi, K. Ueno, K. Mizukami, H. Nishimura, and T. Takahashi, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Vol.14, Article number:583049 (11 pages) (2020)
- Deterministic Characteristics of Spontaneous Activity in a Spiking Neural Network with Long-Tailed Distributions of Synaptic Weights, S. Nobukawa, N. Wagatsuma, and H. Nishimura, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol.14, Issue 6, pp.829-836, Springer (2020)
- データヘルスの視点を取り入れた看護系大学生向け保健情報学の実践と評価, 桝田聖子,石垣恭子,西村治彦, 社会医学研究, Vol.36, No.1, pp.15-25, 日本社会医学会 (2019)
- Atypical Temporal-Scale-Specific Fractal Changes in Alzheimer's Disease EEG and Their Relevance to Cognitive Decline, S. Nobukawa, T. Yamanishi, H. Nishimura, Y. Wada, M. Kikuchi, and T. Takahashi, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol.13, Issue 1, pp.1-11, Springer (2019)
- Induced Synchronization of Chaos-Chaos Intermittency Maintaining Asynchronous State of Chaotic Orbits by External Feedback Signals, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, T. Yamanishi, and H. Doho, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E102-A, No.3, pp.524-531 (2019)
- Pattern Classification by Spiking Neural Networks Combining Self-Organized and Reward-Related Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, and T. Yamanishi, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, Vol.9, No.4, pp.283-291 (2019)
- Resonance Phenomena Controlled by External Feedback Signals and Additive Noise in Neural Systems, S. Nobukawa, N. Shibata, H. Nishimura, H. Doho, N. Wagatsuma and T. Yamanishi, Scientific Reports 9, Article number:12630 (15 pages), Nature Publishing Group (2019)
- Temporal-specific Complexity of Spiking Patterns in Spontaneous Activity Induced by a Dual Complex Network Structure, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, and T. Yamanishi, Scientific Reports 9, Article number:12749 (12 pages), Nature Publishing Group (2019)
- 保健師課程の地域診断カリキュラムへのGIS活用の導入と実践評価, 桝田聖子,石垣恭子,西村治彦, 教育情報研究,Vol.35,No.1,pp.37-48,日本教育情報学会 (2019)
2.著書/Book Chapter:
- Bayesian Network Modeling for Specific Health Checkups on Metabolic Syndrome, Y. Miyauchi, H. Nishimura, in Advances in Biomedical Informatics. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol.137 (eds. D.E. Holmes and L.C. Jain), chapter 5 (pp.79-96), Springer International Publishing AG, ISBN:978-3-319-67512-1, pages:314 (2018)
- Spontaneous Activity Characterization in Spiking Neural Systems with Log-Normal Synaptic Weight Distribution, S. Nobukawa, H. Nishimura, and T. Maruo, in Emerging Trends in Applications and Infrastructures for Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology: Systems and Applications (eds. Q. N. Tran and H. R. Arabnia), Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier Inc., chapter 4 (pp.49-59), ISBN:978-0-12-804203-8, pages:592 (2016)
- A Comparison of Grouping Behaviors on Rule-Based and Learning-Based Multi-agent Systems, A. Ueyama, T. Isokawa, H. Nishimura, and N. Matsui, in Recent Advances in Natural Computing: Selected Results from the IWNC 8 Symposium (eds. Y. Suzuki and M. Hagiya), Mathematics for Industry, Volume 14, Springer, chapter 3 (pp 27-40), ISBN:978-4-431-55428-8, pages:118 (2015)
- Quaternionic Neural Networks for Associative Memories, T. Isokawa, H. Nishimura, N. Matsui, in Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications (ed. A. Hirose), IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence, Wiley-IEEE Press, chapter 5 (pp.103-132), ISBN:978-1-118-34460-6, pages:304 (2013)
- 感性工学ハンドブック,椎塚久雄 編,全624頁,分担執筆、朝倉書店(2013)
- Personal Identification and Authentication Based on Keystroke Dynamics in Japanese Long-Text Input, T. Samura and H. Nishimura, in Continuous Authentication Using Biometrics: Data, Models, and Metrics (Eds. I. Traore and A.A.E. Ahmed), IGI Global, chapter 10 (pp. 212-231), ISBN:978-1-61350-129-0, Pages:294 (2011)
- Grouping and Anti-predator Behaviors for Multi-agent Systems Based on Reinforcement Learning Scheme, K. Morihiro, H. Nishimura, T. Isokawa, and N. Matsui, in Innovations in Multi-Agent Systems and Applications (eds. D. Srinivasan and L.C. Jain), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, chapter 6 (pp.149-183), ISBN:978-3-642-14434-9, Pages:318 (2010)
- Qubit Neural Network: Its Performance and Applications, N. Matsui, H. Nishimura, and T. Isokawa, in Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters (ed. T.Nitta), Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey, New York, chapter XIII (pp.325-351), ISBN:978-1-60566-214-5, Pages:504 (2009)
- Quaternionic Neural Networks: Fundamental Properties and Applications, T. Isokawa, N. Matsui, and H. Nishimura, in Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters (ed. T.Nitta), Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey, New York, chapter XVI (pp.411-439), ISBN:978-1-60566-214-5, Pages:504 (2009)
- ニューラルネットワーク計算知能,(渡辺桂吾ほか11名),森北出版 (2006)
- 講座ファジィ:ファジィ医療診断,(有田ほか8名),日刊工業新聞社 (1994)