学部担当科目 |
代数学I, 代数学II, 代数学Ⅲ, 代数学Ⅳ, 基礎数学, 基礎セミナーⅡ, 中等教科教育法(数学Ⅲ), 中等教科教育法(数学Ⅳ), 卒業研究I, 卒業研究Ⅱ, 中等教育実習事前事後指導,
教職実践演習(中・高), 中等教育実習 |
主な研究業績 |
- On a family of dual hyperovals over GF(q) with q even, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.26
pp195-199, (2005)
- A new family of dual hyperovals in PG(d(d+3)/2,2) with d ≧ 3, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.309
pp418—429, (2009)
- A unified description of four simply connected dimensional dual hyperovals, European Journal of
Combinatorics, Vol.36, pp143–150, (2014)
- New dimensional dual hyperovals, which are not quotients of the classical dual hyperovals,
Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 337, pp65-75, (2014)
- Some examples of simply connected dual hyperovals II, Finite Fields and their Applications, Vol.
36, pp1-13, (2015)
- Bilinear dual hyperovals from binary commutative presemifields, Finite Fields and their
Applications, Vol. 42, pp93-101, (2016)
- On some bilinear dual hyperovals, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.340, pp3154-3166, (2017)
- Bilinear dual hyperovals from binary commutative presemifields II, Finite Fields and their
Applications, Vol. 49, pp62-79, (2018)
- A variation of the dual hyperoval S_c using presemifields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography,
Vol.87, pp 895-908, (2019)
- On some quadratic APN functions, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Vol.87, pp 1173-1983, (2019)
- 高次元のdual hyperoval に関係する距離正則グラフ, 数理解析研究所講究録, Vol.2148, pp142-151, (2020)
- Distance regular graphs arising from dimensional dual hyperovals, Finite Fields and Their
Applications, Vol. 69, 101776 (2021)