大和大学 大志を、まとえ。




宮下 鋭也

氏名 宮下鋭也
職位 教授
学部 理工学部
学科・専攻 理工学科・数理科学専攻
専門・研究分野 解析学,特に,非線形偏微分方程式論
研究キーワード 非局所項を持つ非線形微分方程式・MEMS・粘弾性・解の大域存在と爆発(blow-upそしてquenchingも込めて)・時間発展問題と定常問題
学部担当科目 線形代数学基礎Ⅰ及びⅡ,微分積分学基礎Ⅰ,微分積分学演習Ⅰ,集合と論理,確率と統計,AIデータサイエンス入門,理工学基礎セミナーⅠ及びⅡ,数理科学概論など.
学位 博士(理学)
  1. MEMS方程式の解の定性的研究.

  2. 粘弾性方程式の解の定性的研究.

  3. 変動指数によるL^p空間の関数解析的研究.

主な研究業績 [論文発表]
  1. Non-local Gel'fand problem in higher dimension (with T.Suzuki), Banach Center Publications 66 (2004) P.221-P.235
  2. Non-local elliptic problem in higher dimension, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 44 (2007) P.159-P.172
  3. On the dynamical system of a parabolic equation with non-local term, Advanced studies in Pure Mathematics 47 (2007) P.661-P.674
  4. Touchdown and related problems in electrostatic MEMS device equation (with N. I. Kavallaris and T.Suzuki), Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 15 (2008) P.363-P.385
  5. Global existence and exponential attractor of solutions of Fix-Caginalp equation, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 77 (2015) P.339-P.355
  6. Global existence of radial solutions of a hyperbolic MEMS equation with nonlocal term, Differential Equations & Applications 7 (2015) P.169-P.186
  7. A dynamical system for a nonlocal parabolic equation with exponential nonlinearity, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 45 (2015) P.1897-P.1917
  8. Global existence and quenching for a damped hyperbolic MEMS equation with the fringing field,Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 48 (2017) P.31-P.47
  9. Convergence of global solutions of a nonlocal biharmonic MEMS equation with the fringing field, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 454 P.265-P.284
  10. On a nonlocal biharmonic MEMS equation with the Navier boundary condition, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 80 (2017) P.189-P.208
  11. A sharper decay rate for a viscoelastic wave equation with power nonlinearity (with K. Zennir), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 (2020) P.1138-P.1144
  12. Lifespan of solutions for a class of pseudo-parabolic equation with weak-memory (with K. Zennir), Alexandria Engineering Journal 59 (2020) P.957-P.964
  13. Blow up at well defined time for a coupled system of one spatial variable Emden-Fowler type in viscoelasticities with strong nonlinear sources(with Hebhoub, Zennir, Khaled and Biomy), AIMS Math. 6 (2021) P.442-P.455
  14. Dynamics of a coupled system for nonlinear damped wave equations with variable exponents (with Zennir), Z. Angew. Math. Mech. , To appear
  15. Finite time blow-up for a viscoelastic wave equation with weak-strong damping and power nonlinearity (with Zennir), Osaka Journal of Mathematics, To appear
  16. Local Existence and Global Non-existence of solution for Love-Equation with infinite memory (with Zennir and Papadopoulos), Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, To appear
主な所属学会 国際数理科学協会

微積分学で運動を捉える 〜バスケットボールのフリースローを例として